Friday Flash
November 24th- November
26th 2014
Focus of the
· Literacy: Rhyming, word
· Social Studies: Thanksgiving
· Math: Counting out
a set,
number ID, 3D shapes
Sign up for Parent Teacher Conferences is open on the APS
webpage. We will have 11:15 Early Releases on 12/9 and 12/17 for afternoon
conferences and a set of night conferences on 12/11.
Wednesday, 11/26 is a 12:00 Early Release (no lunch, we will eat
snack), and there is no school on Thursday or Friday.
Tell me
about Jack and Annie’s Secret Messages!
What 3D
shapes did you build with marshmallows/toothpicks?
words can you build with the word pattern _at?
How do
you play “Moose” at math? What about “Where is Peanut?”
Class Pet
Pete the Pig
is excited to spend this weekend with Ryan!
Please help your child document Pete’s weekend through photos and/or drawings
and words in his journal. Thanks!
Getting ready for Winter
As winter approaches please
think about helping your child learn to dress for recess independently. We
are here to help, but 21 kids= 42 boots and 42 mittens! The more quickly we
can get ready, the more time we will have to play outside!
We will go out to play
unless it is extremely cold, so please send your child with hats/gloves and
boots/snowpants if it is snowy!