Friday, September 26, 2014

Friday Flash

Friday Flash 
September 29th- October 3rd

Focus of the Week
·      Literacy: Fairy Tales- Goldilocks and the Three Bears
·      Math: Counting with one to one correspondence, shapes, number ID
·      Science: The season Fall
·      Open Circle: Being calm

     October 7th:
Early Release 1:00
Lunch will be served, but we will not eat snack.

October 10th: Field Trip 
We are going pumpkin picking at Crescent Farm! Please return your child’s signed permission slip ASAP.  

 October 13th: No School

Goodbye Shota!
Shota’s family is moving back to Japan. His last day is Monday, September 29th. We enjoyed getting to know him!


Please send your child with a small, healthy snack to eat each afternoon.

Class Pet

Pete the Pig is excited to spend this weekend with Noah! Please help your child document Pete’s weekend through photos and/or drawings and words in his journal. Thanks!

Conversation Starters
     What was the same/different between the different versions of The 3 Little Pigs that we read this week?
    What shapes and Graphics Practice strokes did you use to make your square pig?
          What does it mean to be a “bucket filler”? What can you do to fill somebody’s bucket? 

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


Just a few quick reminders:

1) NO SCHOOL tomorrow (Thursday)
2) Friday is picture day! All kids will get their picture taken. To order prints please return the envelope that was sent home, or order online at
3) Scholastic book orders are due by Friday morning for all who wish to place an order. I will submit the order on Friday and books should arrive the following week. 

Thanks and see you on Friday :)

Three Little Pigs

This week we have been busy reading, making props, writing about, and dramatizing the Three Little Pigs! Ask your child to tell you the story (or act it out with you!). Which character is his/her favorite to be? Here are some photos from writing, and dramatizing!

Scaffolded Writing:

The "director" lays out the story cards to assist the group in dramatizing

We also made square pigs using the shapes and "graphics practice" handwriting strokes that we have learned! Check them all out on our hallway bulletin board!

Graphics Practice

During Graphics Practice we are learning some pre-handwriting strokes. We listen to calm music and whisper "private speech" to ourselves... For example, with these "pebbles" we are whispering "start at the top, around, and close" as we make our circles. When the music stops we lift up our markers! Great self regulation practice!

Friday, September 19, 2014

Friday Flash!

Friday Flash 
September 22nd- September 26th

Focus of the Week
·      Fairy Tales- The Three Little Pigs
·      Classroom rules/routines
·      Making new friends

·      Early Release: Tuesday, September 23rd. Students will be dismissed at 1:00. Lunch will be served. We will not eat snack.
·      There will be NO SCHOOL on Thursday, September 25th.
·      CURRICULUM NIGHT! Tuesday, September 30th. Please join us from 7:00-7:45pm for a brief presentation about our kindergarten curriculum and a chance to look around the room and ask questions! This is an adult-only night. (Grades 3-5 will be from 6:00-6:45, and Mrs. Donato will be speaking to all parents from 6:45-7:00).
·      Picture Day is on Friday! All students will get their photos taken. Please return the envelope if you would like to order prints.
·      Field Trip! We are going pumpkin picking on Friday, October 10th! Please keep an eye out for a permission slip in your child’s folder.

Please send your child with a small, healthy snack to eat each afternoon. We only have 5-10 minutes for snack, so this should be something they can grab and eat quickly! Thanks!

Class Pet

Pete the Pig is excited to spend this weekend with Helga! Please help your child document Pete’s weekend through photos and/or drawings and words in his journal. Thanks!

Conversation Starters
  •      Tell me the story of The Three Billy Goats Gruff.
  •      Teach me how to do “calm breathing” or “flower breathing.” 
  •      Tell me one thing that was easy for you this week.

Thursday, September 18, 2014


This is what we have been up to in math!

I Have Who Has (color version). We will play many versions of this game throughout the year (letters, friends' names, word patterns, etc.). Ask your child what the rules are!

Play-Doh numbers. We are working on number ID, number sense, and fine motor strength with this activity!

Creation Station. Ask what the hand and check cards are for!

Venger Drawing. What can a square be? A picture frame...a robot girl.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014


WOW! This class is great at dramatizing! Today we used our props to act out The Three Billy Goats Gruff. We each got a role card which told us which character we would be. We wrote about which character we would be at "scaffolded writing" time, then got to dramatizing! Such a fun morning!

Ask your child which role cards they got today!

Ask your child to show you how we "write" using lines to represent words!

A couple of our dramatizing centers!

Monday, September 15, 2014

Prop making!

We will spend the next few weeks reading and dramatizing (acting out) fairy tales!

This week we are reading The Three Billy Goats Gruff. Today we made props and scenery that we will use to dramatize the story this week. Each day this week groups will work together using different props to retell the story!

Here are some pictures from prop making day! We made bridges, meadows/flowers, and rivers!

Friday, September 12, 2014

Scholastic Book Orders!

Shop Online:
One-Time Class Activation Code: J6BR6

Dear Families,

I am excited to get our Scholastic Books Orders underway! I will send home the first flyer on Monday. All orders need to be in by Friday, 9/26. There is no pressure to buy books (I will send home books discreetly, so kids won't feel left out if they didn't order a book), but they are great books and well priced! Plus, each order earns free books for our classroom! 

If you are interested in purchasing books, you can do so online by following the directions below. Or, you can send the order form/check in your child's folder. 


If This Is Your First Time Ordering Online:
- ENTER the one-time Class Activation Code (top of this letter)
- SHOP from a carefully curated selection of the best books, value packs, and Storia eBooks
- SUBMIT your order and earn FREE Books for our classroom
- All book orders will be shipped to our classroom and sent home with your child!